How your data can be misused

  How your data can be misused Whenever we use any website or application and sign up using our mail id, we agree with the terms and conditions of the provider. While many of these agreements are not necessary. They make their terms of how their company will use the personal data collected from the user. These data are used majorly in three ways: 1)      Personal data is analyzed and converted into meaningful information to provide the user with personalized advertisements. 2)        Personal data is sold to the data brokerage (companies who buy data). 3)      Data is used in research and development. In all three cases, companies are bounded to use personal data within a specific limit. Data misuse occurs when a company uses the personal data of the users beyond its original purpose. Sometimes the data misuse occurs by the mistake of an individual or third-party partners rather than directly from the comp...

How to increase IQ level

How to increase IQ level

How to increase IQ level, IQ level, IQ, increase IQ, Increase IQ level, increase your IQ level

IQ you all have already heard about it, it's full form is Intelligence Quotient, it is a measure of intellectual intelligence potential.

Are you also wondering that you have weak intelligence memory?  Or have a low IQ level ? And wished to have a good memory or High IQ to find solutions of different problems in seconds.

Scientific Research suggests that there are many activities which improves intelligence memory and increase the IQ level.

In this Article we are going to discuss how to increase IQ level and some activities which will surely boost your memory and IQ Level.

Try to Brush With opposite Hand

It sounds funny but trust me it is one of the best practise to improve your IQ. Just like physical exercises helps in strengthening our body and muscles, similar to that using your opposite to brush will form new neurons which will help to improve and  strengthen our neural coordination and automatically our IQ will improve.

Diary Writing

"Write your life in a diary"  yes you heard it try to write all that happened whole day in your diary. This will increase your remembrance power of your mind. Now a days we people don't even remember what ate in our lunch, our memory is becoming so weak that's why try to make diary writing a habit. Many Scientists and big Scholars like Albert Einstein and Issac Newton had a habit of Diary Writing. This is not  because that they were Genius that's why they do that, but it was among one of the skill that made them Genius

Make/Maintain Goals in Life.

Today we people are surrounded with so many works , stuffs to do that we forgot our Goal of Life which makes our life full of mess. Make Goals of things which you are going to do, so that you can complete them on disputed time either it be a big one or short one. For example you need to complete your homework break it into pieces and you will automatically completed it on time. I am talking about this beacause by this our mind will develop a habit of consistency.

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Chewing Gums.

Have you ever noticed that your mind is not alert to certain things and you find it difficult to catch things properly. For that chewing Gums is one of the best exercise for our mind alertness.Some says that chewing gums are harmful for our teeths but that's not the thing the excess use  of anything is harmful but if it's done in a limit, it is helpful, just like that chewing Gums is one of them and it is scientifically proven also. Chewing a gum activates our trigeminal nerve which helps to improvement of our mind alertness and will make our mind more alert to different things.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Early in morning Deep Breathing Exercise is most important for our mind. Our Brain is like a Machine and every machine needs some rest after a vigorous work just like that our mind needs that. Meditation and Deep breathing exercise is much needed in that case. In this exercises we inhale fresh air and our brain gets fresh O² which helps in repair of neurons and attachment of new neurons with the axons of other neurons and makes them to function properly.

Midday naps

Sometimes beacause of our busy schedule, we didn't get a sound sleep and due to this we feel tired and lazy wholeday. Scientist's suggests that a midday nap of 20-30 minutes is much needed for our brain, It makes us fresh and helps to improve our mood and mind alertness. And i f we make this a habit, it can really help to boost our I.Q level.

Do Read Books and Magazines

We can't deny the fact that reading books helps in the development of Human Cognitive. It increases our mind skill and increases our capability to catch different languages in a short time. Research suggest that this habit of reading books is reay great for Human Mind.

Remember Digits

Remembering Digits like Our Phone Numbers, our Friends Phone Number and our credit card numbers can. It helps to boost our short term memory and can really helps in development of our mind.

Practise Different Skills and Games

How to increase IQ level, IQ level, IQ, increase IQ, increase IQ level, increase your IQ level,

Games like Chess, Puzzle and Sudoku are best for mind development. Scientists suggest these games for Brain Development. In case of Mental illness and people with mentally unstable, Doctors suggest these games to their patients to practice and play these games, so that their mind can improve and develop, so that the neuron system can function properly.

Do Sprints 

Suggested by the neuroscience that aerobic exercises is extremely good for our Brain. It helps to Boost our IQ level. Out Door exercise are better then online Braun Games a because hey help in the formation of new neurons and repairs old neurons.

So my dear visitors, if you also want to Boost your IQ level then practice all the skills mentioned.

There are also some myths around us that they help to Boost your IQ level they are:-
(1) Consuming Multivitamins
(2)Listening Musics
(3) IQ tests to train your mind

These activities doesn't help in the improvement of  your IQ.

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  1. Nice bro it is very important how to increase IQ level

  2. Nice bro it is very important how to increase IQ level


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