How your data can be misused

  How your data can be misused Whenever we use any website or application and sign up using our mail id, we agree with the terms and conditions of the provider. While many of these agreements are not necessary. They make their terms of how their company will use the personal data collected from the user. These data are used majorly in three ways: 1)      Personal data is analyzed and converted into meaningful information to provide the user with personalized advertisements. 2)        Personal data is sold to the data brokerage (companies who buy data). 3)      Data is used in research and development. In all three cases, companies are bounded to use personal data within a specific limit. Data misuse occurs when a company uses the personal data of the users beyond its original purpose. Sometimes the data misuse occurs by the mistake of an individual or third-party partners rather than directly from the comp...

What is EIA 2020

What is EIA

What is EIA 2020

As we already know that whole world is suffering from corona pandemic but India seems to be suffering from more then corona. Many states of India have gone through many disasters in the last few months. Some of the disasters are:

1.Assam Gas and Oil leak

2. Gujarat Chemical Plant Explosion 

3. Vishakhapatnam Gas Leak

Because of these disasters many people have lost their lives, these disasters might look natural but there is a black truth behind this and no one is going to tell about this especially our sweet news media. So lets know about the truth behind this, but before that I want to inform you about EIA ( Environment Impact Assessment ) this will help you in understanding the things way better.

What is EIA?

Environmental Impact Assessment is a process to ensure security to economy, cultural and Human health both beneficial and harmful on account of a project inter realted to them.

So whenever a project regarding building of dams, coal mines, Chemical Plants, Factories is going to implement EIA (Environment Impact Assessment) is needed to make sure that that less harm is to be done towards economy, cultural, forest, human and health. It also checks the weightage of pros and cons of the project, if it came that the weightage of cons. is more no clearance will be given to such projects.
But earlier only govt. have given clearance to projects like Vishakhapatnam Gas Plant, Assam Oil Plant, Guajarat Gas Plant and today we all know the results. It's just beacuse of the implementation failure of EIA. Day by Day they are making EIA a weak law and making changes in this.
In 2020 govt. have announced about EIA 2020 Draft and in this draft there are many changes which will make it a poor for the protection economy and human welfare.

What are the changes included in  EIA 2020 Draft:

1. Post Facto Clearance: According to this Environmental Clearance doesn't matter for projects related to building Gas Plant, coal mines, Checmical Plants.


2. Public Hearing: Public Hearing going to reduce from 30 days to 20 days. It's written in the draft that " A minimum notice period of twenty days shall be provided to the public for furnishing their responses". 

3.Exemptions from Public Participation: According to this there will be no right for the public. It is to limit public consultation means to silence voices that are barely heard otherwise.

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4. Strategic Exemption: According to this no information will be disclosed to public and other sectors for such projects. It's written in the draft that it will be a "suo moto" meaning "own it's own motion". It is used in situations where a government or court official acts of it's own initiative.
There are many changes in the draft but some important one's I have mentioned above. And by this you will understand that they are trying to make it a weak law and it will be a total blunder. 

Now you know about the EIA and this EIA is needed for the construction of such projects. Earlier they haven't followed EiA properly in the construction of Vishakhapatnam Gas Plant, Assam Gas and Oil Plant, Gujarat Chemical Plant and today we know how they became a life taker for many people. Many have lost their lives in these disasters. EIA is much needed for such projects, In place of making it a strong Law they are making it weak law. We need strong implementation of EIA and there is a hope for us. A big thanks to the honourable. High Court who have given the chance to take suggestions of public on this matter and have increased the deadline to 11th August. 

Now we can stop this draft by giving our suggestions to the High Court. If we people will unite against this we will surely succeed. 

Today it's Assam, Vishakhapatnam and Gujarat peopl who have lost their life  tomorrow it might be our state, might be our people who will loss their life, before this we need to be awake and stop this.

We can give our suggestions by sending a email to
"So lets unite and stop this".

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Hindustan Times




  1. Good information by zayn...👍👍

  2. Nice post vro!!! And it's a nyc article by this we can get to know about EIA..


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