How your data can be misused

  How your data can be misused Whenever we use any website or application and sign up using our mail id, we agree with the terms and conditions of the provider. While many of these agreements are not necessary. They make their terms of how their company will use the personal data collected from the user. These data are used majorly in three ways: 1)      Personal data is analyzed and converted into meaningful information to provide the user with personalized advertisements. 2)        Personal data is sold to the data brokerage (companies who buy data). 3)      Data is used in research and development. In all three cases, companies are bounded to use personal data within a specific limit. Data misuse occurs when a company uses the personal data of the users beyond its original purpose. Sometimes the data misuse occurs by the mistake of an individual or third-party partners rather than directly from the comp...

What is the difference between full moon and supermoon


What is the difference between supermoon and full moon

What is super moon? 

"Supermoon" Is a full moon with some special features which appears during phase or period when the distance of moon from the earth is closest which is also known as perigee (Perigee is the point or location where the distance between earth and moon is least). Mainly there are two positions according to the distance - Perigee and Apogee (Apogee is the point or location where the distance between Earth and satellites is greatest), Supermoon appears during Perigee.
It appears larger than the usual moon as it is closest to the earth.The diameter of Supermoon is approximately 7% larger than the usual average size full moon and it looks approximately 16% brighter than the average size moon. It is very thought to identify the difference of distance, size and brightness of supermoon from the average moon from our naked eyes.


    Impact of supermoon on Earth. 

As the distance of Moon from the Earth is minimum during supermoon so it's gravitational pull is increased which affects tides to rise up to almost 15cm on Earth. This force is not much to influence humans, it is negligible, but some people have claimed they have felt the effect of this force, but it's not confirmed officially. This is called the Lunar.


What is Full Moon? 

Full moon appears when one side of the moon is facing towards the earth and fully illuminated by the sun. Not every full moon looks same from earth, some are small, average and big, The size of full moon depends on the distance of the moon from the earth. If it's close to the earth then it looks big and if it's far from earth then it looks smaller. There are also some colour variations in moon. Sometimes it looks red or pink depending on the angle of moon from the Earth and Sun. Full moon appears every month.

Difference between full moon and supermoon.


- supermoon itself a full moon which looks brighter then regular moon because of it's distance from the the Earth is closest. It appears every year but it's size is not always same, there are also many sizes of supermoon, big size supermoon appears rarely.

Full moon

This phenomena happen when one side of the moon is facing towards the Earth and the hemisphere of moon which is facing toward the Earth is totally lit up by sun rays. Full moons are a monthly phenomenon and it's influence on tides is regular. 

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