How your data can be misused

  How your data can be misused Whenever we use any website or application and sign up using our mail id, we agree with the terms and conditions of the provider. While many of these agreements are not necessary. They make their terms of how their company will use the personal data collected from the user. These data are used majorly in three ways: 1)      Personal data is analyzed and converted into meaningful information to provide the user with personalized advertisements. 2)        Personal data is sold to the data brokerage (companies who buy data). 3)      Data is used in research and development. In all three cases, companies are bounded to use personal data within a specific limit. Data misuse occurs when a company uses the personal data of the users beyond its original purpose. Sometimes the data misuse occurs by the mistake of an individual or third-party partners rather than directly from the comp...

What happens after death

 What happens after death

What happens after death

Death is the word which is confusing human mind and science from many centuries but no one could explain it completely. In this article we are gonna present the scientific analysis of soul and afterlife experiences. There are some people in the world who have seen their death and have explained the scenario of death. And there are also many religions which have explained the situation and scenario after death. 

I am a human, we are human and we can increase our lifespan by a healthy diet and exercise but we are mortal, Every living creature who was born will surely die one day and that is the rule of nature. 

I call myself I and the feeling of I in our body is called consciousness but what if I die, when I'll die my body will decompose in soil but where the feeling of I or consciousness or my soul will go.

 Is my soul going to feel anything after my death?

Soul is a very mysterious word and no one knows that where is it and from where is it staring you? 

There are some people in the world who have seen and experienced their death and get back from their death and this is called NDE (Near Death Experience). 

These people says that they have experienced nothingness and some people says that they have travelled through a different dimension. 

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So the thing is that what they actually experience when they are dead? 

are they conscious? What happens after death?

In 2011 a surgery was going on but unfortunately it failed and doctors declaed the patient dead but after some minute something starts happening on the monitor, the unusual activity of a body on the monitor started happening and at the moment doctors successfully save that person. The person described the scenario of that time when he was dead, he said "I wasn't floating so to speak. I was just there" "I woke up in what looked like space but there weren't any stars or light" He meant that he was experiencing emptyness and he was not floating on anything, he could only feel his existance. 

Another NDE case was with a collage student, due to overdose of sleeping pills he fell down on the ground his neighbours called ambulance. When he was in ambulance he died but just after 3 minutes his consciousness got back and he said that he was seeing his own body from a distance, he explained the whole scenario that he experienced in those 3 minutes to confirm his truth doctors asked him to explain what doctors did in the ambulance in those 3 minutes and he recalled everything even the path from where ambulance was going.  

There are many such cases with many people accross the world and in the end the facts are stating the existence of consciousness after death. 

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