How your data can be misused

  How your data can be misused Whenever we use any website or application and sign up using our mail id, we agree with the terms and conditions of the provider. While many of these agreements are not necessary. They make their terms of how their company will use the personal data collected from the user. These data are used majorly in three ways: 1)      Personal data is analyzed and converted into meaningful information to provide the user with personalized advertisements. 2)        Personal data is sold to the data brokerage (companies who buy data). 3)      Data is used in research and development. In all three cases, companies are bounded to use personal data within a specific limit. Data misuse occurs when a company uses the personal data of the users beyond its original purpose. Sometimes the data misuse occurs by the mistake of an individual or third-party partners rather than directly from the comp...

How to increase immunity

How to increase immunity

How to increase immunity, what is immunity, how immune system works, what is immune system

 Immune System- The Only Boon against Corona 

What is Immune System?

Immune System is the most important mechanism which keeps us alive. Without Immune System we can't survive in this environment and will die in a short time. In simple words Immune System is the Defence System for our body against cruel enemies. Our environment is fully surrounded by Bacteria, Virus , Parasites and these are the enemies for our body. Immune System prevents us from infectious diseases caused by these pathogens.

Our Immune System is made up of-





In simple language we can say that these are the building blocks of our Immune System. 

Our Immune Response identify threat (bacteria, virus, pathogens) also called as foreign particles (antigens) and forms antibodies against them and mount attack and eliminate the pathogens or foreign particles. 

There are two types of Immune Response:-

1)Innate Immune Response

2)Adaptive Immune Response

3)Passive Immunity

Innate Immune Response

It is the natural immunity everyone borns with innate immunity, it is non-specific in nature means they cannot differentiate between friendly and non-friendly cells. They are fast in nature whenever a foreign particle enters into the body they respond to them very fastly or "feverishly" and from the outcome of this we get fever.

They don't remember the pathogens (foreign substances) and attack the pathogens in the same way no matter how many times the pathogen enters the body.

Barriers present for Innate Immunity:-

*Chemical Barriers- Lysosymes in our tears, pH in our Stomach helps to eliminate the pathogens.

*Physical Barriers- Epithelium Cells lining in the skin and gut , Cilia hairs in Airways like in noses helps to eliminate the pathogens.

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Adaptive Immune Response

It is the active immunity, it develops throughout our lives, its specific in nature they can differentiate into living and friendly cells or dead cells. They take time in the elimination of the pathogens can upto a week. 

They remember the pathogens so when next time it (pathogen i,e. foreign particle) enters the body they rapidly multiply themselves to eliminate the pathogen and the cells which are multiplied dies after their work.

The Barriers used in this immune response is White Blood Cells (Leukocytes). WBCs perform Phagocytosis for the elimination of pathogens.

The contituents of WBCs are:-




(These are collectively called as Granulocytes)

4)Mast Cells

5)Dendritic Cells



Passive Immunity

Passive immunity is "borrowed" from another source and it lasts for a short time. For example, antibodies in a mother's breast milk give a baby temporary immunity to diseases the mother has been exposed to.

Immune System Pathway:-

Immune Response


Bone Marrow


Lots of Neutrophils




Swallow Pathogens


Neutrophils Kills itself

Today the lives of people of the whole world is in threat as we are surrounded by one of the most dangerous virus known as Sars-CoV-2 commonly called as Covid-19, it spreads at a faster rate among human beings when the infected person came into contact with other person. The countries of the whole world is trying their best to find out the vaccine for this deadly virus, scientists and Doctors are working day and night to save the lives of infected persons. But with a heartfelt there is no vaccine available for this virus and the only thing that is saving the lives is our immune system.

Many corona patients have been recovered by and became healthy with a proper care and treatment, it's just possible because of the immune system. When the virus enters the body, the body starts making antibodies against the virus and completes their work according to the capability of immune system.

So, if you have a weak immunity one thing must be going on in your mind that how to increase immunity?

There are some scientifically proven ways to boost or increase your immunity, they are:-

1.Maintain a healthy diet: Eat healthy foods and avoid fast foods, eat foods which contain proteins and multivitamins, try to drink milk twice a day for a healthy bone. This foods will help to boost your immunity.

2. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking: As we already know that drinking alcohol and smoking is harmful for our body health it also adversely effects our immune system. If you want a good immune system, than quit drinking and smoking.

3. Take adequate sleep: Sleep is most important part of our life, if we don't get a sound sleep whole day we feel stressed and we can't focus on other things. Todays generation  have made a habit of sleeping late at night and this adversely effects their immune system merely you will find someone sleeping early, but the words "Early to Bed and Early to Rise" are golden words and we need to follow this properly to boost our immunity.

4. Exercise Daily: To make our body fit we must need to exercise. Morning walks, yoga,skipping,jogging these will help to maintain a good health and boost our immunity. If you are not getting time, just do a five minutes yoga it will be of much cause.

5.Take adequate water: Protect your body from dehydration, we need to to drink water properly and should maintain our water level in the body, we need to be hydrated. These also maintains an important role in boosting our immunity, it's like you are running a car without petrol and the result you know very well.

So, if you have read the full article, now you know all thing about Immune System, how it helps us to fight with different diseases, how it's helping in this pandemic time, how to increase or boost our Immune System.

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